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Special Issue of the French Regional Conference on Complex Systems

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FRCCS 2021 is the first edition of the French Regional Conference on Complex Systems. It brings together members of the scientific community working in complex systems from various disciplines (archaeology, biology, computer science, economics, geography, history, linguistics, management, mathematics, medicine, physics, statistics, sociology). FRCCS 2021 is an opportunity to present recent research work, industrial developments, and original applications. Special attention is given to research topics with a high societal impact from the perspective of complexity science.

Submission Instructions

The submitted article must be original, unpublished and not currently under review in other journals. Authors should mention in their cover letter that the particular manuscript is for this special issue and the names of the Guest Editors listed below, so that the Guest Editors can be notified separately. All manuscripts must be submitted via the journal submission system at . During the submission process, please choose the relevant special issue under the Additional Information section when asked “Are you submitting this to a Thematic Series?”.

The special issue is available as “TS: Special Issue of the French Regional Conference on Complex Systems (FRCCS 2021)

Lead Guest Editor

Cyrille Bertelle, Normandie University France 

Guest Editors

David Chavalarias, ISC PIF France
Chantal Cherifi, University of Lyon 2 France
Hocine Cherifi, University of Burgundy France
Bertrand Jouve, University of Toulouse France
Hamamache Kheddouci, University of Lyon 1 France
Benjamin Renoust, Osaka University Japan

For more information please contact the guest editors.

  1. International trade is based on a set of complex relationships between different countries that can be modelled as an extremely dense network of interconnected agents. On the one hand, this network might favou...

    Authors: Roberto Antonietti, Paolo Falbo, Fulvio Fontini, Rosanna Grassi and Giorgio Rizzini
    Citation: Applied Network Science 2022 7:18
  2. One of the major current challenges in the field of security and safety of populations is to advance further in the understanding and the ability to anticipate their behaviors when faced with threats or disast...

    Authors: Valentina Lanza, Edwige Dubos-Paillard, Rodolphe Charrier, Damienne Provitolo and Alexandre Berred
    Citation: Applied Network Science 2022 7:17
  3. In this work we use a network-based approach to investigate the complex system of interactions among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that constitute the structure of the United Nations 2030 Agenda...

    Authors: Loredana Bellantuono, Alfonso Monaco, Nicola Amoroso, Vincenzo Aquaro, Angela Lombardi, Sabina Tangaro and Roberto Bellotti
    Citation: Applied Network Science 2022 7:14

Annual journal metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 1.3
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: N/A
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.955
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.526

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 11
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 119

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 581,134
    Altmetric mentions: 776

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