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Fig. 6 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 6

From: Epistemic integration and social segregation of AI in neuroscience

Fig. 6

Time-aggregated ranking maps of the fields of study involved in publications cited by both of the studied corpora \(\mathcal {P}\cap AI\) and \(\mathcal {P}\cap \overline{AI}\) (A), and in publications that are citing them (B). The dashed lines show the diagonal where the rankings are exactly the same in the two corpora. Only are shown the most significant disciplines, with the condition that they commonly appear in the two corpora. The sizes of the discs, based on their empirical number of citations in the two different corpora, are normalized to compare their respective citation weights within each corpus. Grey points correspond to disciplines confined in the area between the two lines of respective equations \(r_{\mathcal {P}\cap AI} = r_{\mathcal {P}\cap \overline{AI}}+\tau\) (above the diagonal) and \(r_{\mathcal {P}\cap AI} = r_{\mathcal {P}\cap \overline{AI}}-\tau\) (below the diagonal), with \(\tau =10\), and with no important variations of positions from one period to one another. The most persistent ones over the 5 represented decades, with a rank lower than 20, are mentioned in the upper left box of each figure A and B. Finally, blue points are the most preferred disciplines of the \(\mathcal {P}\cap \overline{AI}\) corpus while purple ones are those for the corpus \(\mathcal {P}\cap AI\). Abbreviations of the apparent disciplines are given in Appendix C

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