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Fig. 4 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 4

From: Activity-driven network modeling and control of the spread of two concurrent epidemic strains

Fig. 4

Two-dimensional diagrams illustrating the outcome of the intermittent stay-at-home containment strategy for three different values of the fraction of population: a, b \(p=60\%\), c, d \(p=50\%\), and e, f \(p=30\%\). For each case, we report the peak count of infections (a, c, e) and the steady-state value (b, d, f), as determined from averaging the last 50 time steps. The white-dashed lines represent the stability thresholds computed from Floquet theory and the red dashed lines are stability threshold for \(p=0\%\) (absence of the containment strategy, corresponding to Theorems 1 and 2)

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