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Fig. 4 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 4

From: How deep to dig: effects of web-scraping search depth on hyperlink network analysis of environmental stewardship organizations

Fig. 4

Boxplots for groups AE (advocacy and education focus), CMMPT (conservation, management, monitoring, partnership, and transformation focus), and unknown focus. A The percentage of a websites’ total valid external URL that were returned at each search depth; B the number of sites that achieved their maximum depth at a given depth; C the number of valid external URL returns for each group; and D the maximum search depth that the URLs were found. Stewardship focus was not reported for three organizations, which were classified as unknown. Groups AE and CMMPT were not statistically different (Mann–Whitney U test, C p = 0.375 and D 0.908). Unknowns were not statistically compared due to the small sample. Boxplots show the data’s distribution. The thick line in the middle of the box shows the median values, with the box itself bounding 25% of the data’s distribution above and below the median (i.e., the upper and lower quartile, respectively, which together make the interquartile range). Lines extend out to show the remaining data within the largest and smallest quarters of the datasets, but do not include extreme values, or outliers (defined as larger than 1.5 times the interquartile range), which are indicated as dots. If the median of two datasets falls within each other's interquartile range, the distributions are generally not statistically different, which is confirmed by the Man-Whitney U tests for panels C and D

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