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Fig. 7 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 7

From: Motif-based spectral clustering of weighted directed networks

Fig. 7

Left: Diagram of the block structure for Example 2 Experiment 2: edges in the diagram are present with probability 0.5, all other edges are present with probability 0.0001 (including edges within blocks). Right: The detected groups found by each method, with k=2 and l=2, with the exception of the last column which has k=8, l=3. We test 100 replicates and present the results as columns in the plot. The nodes are ordered by block, and colors represent the group allocations in a given block for each motif-based method. We order replicates (i.e. columns) within each motif to highlight similarities, the columns are sorted within block in order to promote contiguity of the colors across each block. While the clustering assignments may contain some errors, the results are relatively robust across replicates

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