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Fig. 15 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 15

From: Ego-zones: non-symmetric dependencies reveal network groups with large and dense overlaps

Fig. 15

Match of zones and ground-truth communities. In the upper row of plots, it can be seen that in all cases the average accuracy of the zone and ground-truth community match decreases with zone size. This trend is most noticeable with the com-dblp network; the best-matching zones have around ten nodes. For large zones, the average accuracy of the match in this network is low. The plots in the lower row show the cumulative distributions of the frequencies of zones for a given match accuracy with the best-matching community. Except for the anobii network, the frequency of the zones is balanced or increases with higher match accuracy. This is especially true for the com-dblp network, where there is only a very low number of zones that have a match accuracy below 0.5

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