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Fig. 8 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 8

From: JANUS: A hypothesis-driven Bayesian approach for understanding edge formation in attributed multigraphs

Fig. 8

Ranking of hypotheses for Reply Higgs Network. a, b Ranking of hypotheses based on Bayes factors when compared to the uniform hypothesis using multiplexes for the local and global models respectively. In both cases, the mention hypothesis explains best the reply network, since it is ranked first and very close to the data curve. This might be due to the fact that replies inherit a user mention from whom a tweet was originally posted. We can see that the combined retweet-mention-social hypothesis is the second best explanation of the reply network. This is mainly due to the mention hypothesis which performs extremely better than the other two (social and retweet). The social hypothesis can also be considered a good explanation since it outperforms the uniform. The retweet hypothesis tends to perform worse than the uniform in both cases for increasing number of κ. Similarly, the selfloop hypothesis drops down below the uniform since there are only very few selfloops in the reply network data

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