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Fig. 4 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 4

From: The collective vs individual nature of mountaineering: a network and simplicial approach

Fig. 4

a Average success rate of members of expeditions that were not part of the largest simplex as a function of the dimension of the largest simplex. Error bars are plotted in red. b Maximum simplicial dimension of all simplices in the expedition as a function of simplicial weight threshold \(\tau\). c Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (PCC) between expedition success rate calculated over all members and average simplicial dimension of all simplices in the expedition as a function of \(\tau\). Expeditions with no simplex of dimension greater than zero are excluded to yield a total number of expeditions of \(n=273\) for \(\tau =1\), \(n=273\) for \(\tau =2\), \(n=173\) for \(\tau =3\), and \(n=118\) for \(\tau =4\)

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