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Fig. 6 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 6

From: Statistical properties of the MetaCore network of protein–protein interactions

Fig. 6

Reduced network of the chosen twelve proteins (see Table 1). The construction procedure of this network is given in the main text. Arrow edges (\(\rightarrow\)) represent activation links and dot edges represent inhibition links. The arrow tips and the dots are on the side of the target nodes. The black edges represent direct links. The red edges represent hidden links. The color of the nodes correspond to the type of proteins: transcription factors (yellow), protein kinase (cyan), generic receptor (red), receptor with enzyme activity (green), general binding protein (orange), and protein phosphatase (violet). The border style of the node correspond to the location of the proteins: nucleus (solid line), cytoplasm (dashed line), and plasma membrane (hairy line)

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