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Fig. 2 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 2

From: Time-critical decentralised situational awareness in emergencies: an adversarial biosecurity scenario

Fig. 2

Plots of the real danger progression (as normalised infectious class of the SIR model) in Shanghai (solid blue), the average corresponding perceived danger progression of all its agents for Shanghai (dashed blue) and the average perceived danger progressions of all the agents of Karachi for the danger in Shanghai (solid red). The vertical axes represent the danger values while the horizontal the time steps. The different rows correspond to different influence models (F–J, Deffuant and J–A from top to bottom), and the different columns to different personal estimation models (Triangular, Gaussian, Laplace and Power-Law from left to right). The agent network is ER and the SIR infectious parameters are infectious transmission \(k=1.5\) and recovery time \(\tau =5\) days/time steps (\(R_o=7.5\) for highly endemic conditions). The initial conditions are \((S,I,R)|_{t=0}=(1-I_{t=0},I_{t=0},0)\)

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