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Fig. 3 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 3

From: An analytical solution to the multicommodity network flow problem with weighted random routing

Fig. 3

a Average load \(\Lambda (r)\) for nodes at a distance r from the center, from which demand is broadcast, for the Erdös–Rényi model with \(p = 2/N\) and \(N=2500.\) Filled black circles are \(\Lambda (r)\) when the demand is the same, irrespective of the destination. Open red circles are \(2.5 \Lambda (r)\) when the demand decreases as \((1/4)^r;\) the factor of 2.5 is chosen by eye to best match the two cases. The total demand for all destination nodes is normalized to 1. b Average load \(\Lambda (r)\) as a function of r for various values of N,  for the broadcast model with the same demand for all destination nodes. The difference between the curves is small

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