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Fig. 4 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 4

From: Identification of effective spreaders in contact networks using dynamical influence

Fig. 4

Results from SI simulations (\(\tau = 1\)) of artificial contact networks using four selected spreaders. The median times from 100 artificially generated proximity networks are reported, where each median was assessed from 100 SI simulations. The proximity networks (P-NNR) are defined by the Euclidean distance threshold (d). In a d = 0.2, a d = 0.3, a d = 0.4, and a d = 0.5 where connection weights are given a value between 0 and 1 according to a uniform random distribution. Times are recorded when 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of network are infected then normalised using division by the mean of all times recorded at each percentage. From left to right; times are detailed for the weighted degree (no neighbours) selection, then the optimised selections for initial rate (Initial), average performance (Averaged), and time to all infected (End). The y-axes of a, b are cropped to exclude extreme values

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