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Table 12 Top 5 diseases with highest authority scores in different networks, according to the HITS algorithm

From: Statistical methods for constructing disease comorbidity networks from longitudinal inpatient data








285 anemia (unspecified)

585 chronic kidney disease

585 chronic kidney disease

285 anemia (unspecified)

652 malposition and malpresentation of fetus

285 anemia (unspecified)

401 essential hypertension

041 bacterial infection (unspecified)

664 trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery

664 trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery

041 bacterial infection (unspecified)

656 other fetal and placental problems

041 bacterial infection (unspecified)

765 Disorders relating to short gestation and low birthweight

276 fluid electrolyte disorders

411 old myocardial infarction

411 old myocardial infarction

276 fluid electrolyte disorders

651 multiple gestation

427 Cardiac dysrhythmias

041 bacterial infection (unspecified)

780 general symptoms

428 heart failure

428 heart failure

780 general symptoms

647 other infections complicating pregnancy

276 fluid electrolyte disorders

762 complications of placenta affecting newborn

427 Cardiac dysrhythmias

648 other conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium

648 other conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium

599 urinary tract infection

648 other conditions complicating pregnancy, childbirth, or puerperium

272 lipoid metabolism disorders

769 Respiratory distress syndrome in newborn