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Table 2 Link density estimation for different cardinalities n of the random sampled subset I. Results are based on 1000 samples and are shown together with the 95% confidence intervals

From: Network reconstruction via density sampling

Link density

n=5 [CI 95%]

n=10 [CI 95%]

n=20 [CI 95%]

n=50 [CI 95%]

n=100 [CI 95%]

WTW 2000 (true: 0.578)

0.586 [0.560;0.611]

0.559 [0.544;0.574]

0.583 [0.574;0.592]

0.578 [0.573;0.583]

0.577 [0.574;0.580]

e-MID 1999 (true: 0.274)

0.292 [0.271;0.313]

0.278 [0.267;0.289]

0.276 [0.268;0.283]

0.276 [0.272;0.280]

0.275 [0.273;0.278]

  1. The considered cardinalities n=5,10,20,50,100 correspond to percentages ranging from 2% to 50% of the total number of nodes. The true link densities calculated on the entire networks are shown in brackets for reference