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Fig. 1 | Applied Network Science

Fig. 1

From: Nudging cooperation among agents in an experimental social network

Fig. 1

Expected Group Profit in ECUs. We generate an ensemble of 100 random networks for each number of total inquiries ranging from 0 to 8*24. Then we calculate the expected profit for each of the networks in the ensemble. The curves represent the mean of the ensembles, and the shaded areas represent the mean plus/minus one standard deviation. We calculate the expected profit by averaging over all possible question-expertise configurations for each network within an ensemble. We sum the profit of each player and take the average in each round to calculate the average group profit. We measure profit in Experimental Currency Units (ECUs, 1 ECU = 3 DKK). The colored dots (B1: light blue, B2: dark blue, N1: light orange, N2: dark orange) represent the four experimental sessions

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